Immediatelly when the purchase order is paid, the software license will be delivered by email. To order with a purchase order, please first click to accept the quote and choose the invoice payment option to enter your purchase order number. Click Tax Exempt to enter your Tax Exemption Number and generate a quote.

Purchase Orders Accepted! Please click the green Buy Now button and choose the amount of device-based licenses to generate a quote. Through the Every Child Learns to Type Program, free charity licenses are available for developing nations. After 7 days trial period, some of the lessons will be limited. The visual keyboard drills, timed texts, games and dynamic reviews will get you in the flow and keep you engaged.

Test drive before you buy! You can now evaluate the full typing tutor with all features for 7 days. TypingMaster provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. The five typing courses cover the whole keyboard - including special marks, numeric keypad - and help you to accelerate your typing speed. in the high security environments and there is no need to worry about the Internet Data Security or Privacy Protection. So it is fully possible to use this software totally offline e.g. You can decide if you enable the DataSync to transfer lesson progress data from student machines to teacher's machine via a local file server or any shared folder / cloud drive.

TypingMaster 11 Ultimate does not communicate to Internet itself. With the help of the illustrated long-term statistics, students can follow their progress. While training TypingMaster detects problematic fingers or keys that need extra practice and creates additional tailor made exercises for them.