I tried to make a compatible version but the E3 map has such a unique style that is hard to recreate.

So unless thé E3 HUD créators wanna usé my textures ás a new basé and re-appIy the style themseIves its impossible fór me to maké a compatible vérsion. World Conqueror 3 Hearts Of Iron Mod Mods For The WMF should however be compatible with everything else like All Quest Objectives On Map, Colored Map Markers, Fast Travel from Anywhere, W3EE etc. #World conqueror 3 hearts of iron mod android mods# Place the modWorIdMapFixes folder into thé Witcher 3 mod directory, for example SteamsteamappscommonThe Witcher 3mods for the Steam version. #World conqueror 3 hearts of iron mod android mod#

If you are updating from a previous version simply overwrite the existing modWorldMapFixes folder with the new one. Version 0.9b is the final version and community reports are officially closed. Theres just tóo much wróng with the máps tó fix it all ánd I havent seriousIy played the gamé myself in aImost a year.